Saturday 28 October 2017

Conflict Theory

Conflict Theory

Conflict theory originated with the work of Karl Marx in the mid-1800s. Marx understood human society in terms of conflict between social classes, notably the conflict in capitalist societies between those who owned the means of economic production (factory or farm owners, for example) and those who did not (the workers). 

Subsequent thinkers have described different versions of conflict theory; a common theme is that different social groups have unequal power, though all groups struggle for the same limited resources. Conflict theory has been used to explain diverse human behaviors, such as educational practices that either sustain or challenge the sta­tus quo, cultural customs regarding the elderly, and criminal behavior.

Also, Read Conflict Theory-2

Conflict theory has wide and varied roots that range from the individual intra-psychic approach of Freud to the systemic societal approach of Karl Marx. Became popular during the 1960’s when feminists and African Americans challenged the current family theories.
Conflict theory examines the ways in which groups of people disagree, struggle for power and compete for resources (such as wealth and prestige).

Thomas Hobbes

First law

Self-preservation and self-assertion Human beings think of themselves first and will assert themselves to exist.

Second law
Humans form a social contract giving up rights of self-interest to live in a stable and secure society of laws.
We want to live in a stable world, so will give up certain rights and form arrangements with others to have that stable world. Much of human interest is regulated and governed by laws, not negotiation Conflict Theory and Families Conflict theory as applied to families challenges the myth that families are harmonious and instead focuses on the ability of the family to deal with differences, change, and conflict. Conflict Theory begins by asserting that conflict in families is the normal state of affairs and that family dynamics can be understood by identifying the sources of conflict and the sources of power.

Solutions are a result of:

1. Establishing better communication
2. Developing empathy and understanding
3. Being motivated to change

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